Bioscan Testing
The BIOSCAN devise is a FDA cleared, state of the art Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) testing system.
Providing you with a clear and accurate colour-coded evaluation of your immune and hormone system, metabolism, lymph, blood, urogenital, liver, pancreas, digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory, locomotor and skin.
Testing for food intolerances and allergies is integral to gaining insight as to why you perhaps feel bloated or suffer from IBS, fatigue, headaches, arthritis and skin disorders. Examining the response to toxins.
Combining the disciplines of acupuncture, biofeedback and homeopathy with laser light technology. A computerised test to see what your body is sensitive to, and how it is out of balance.
Using Biomeridian technology, EAV testing can recognise specific health needs and provide a full body assessment, both pain free and non-invasive. With similar principles to an ECG scan, the process applies a minute amount of electricity (physically undetectable) to measure skin resistance on 58 different acupuncture points. EAV can successfully identify underlying imbalances and dysfunctions which may directly stem from the symptoms or root of disease. During the consultation each patient receives a conclusive data report with their results analysed in detail to provide a bespoke programme to follow.
What is Biomeridian Testing?
Also known as ‘Electrodermal Testing’ the process assesses electrical resistance on 58 acupuncture points on your hands and feet to provide a personalised evaluation of overall health and a nutritional programme. The data is collected in a clear colour coded report.
How can I prepare before my test?
Ensure your hands and feet are clean - do not apply any creams or lotions on the day of your appointment. It’s also important you are well hydrated and you avoid caffeinated substances at least 4 hours prior.
Are there any age restrictions?
As long as you’re able to hold the electrode you can be tested.
Do I need to be unwell to be tested?
No, testing is for anyone who would like further insight into how they can achieve optimum health.
How can EAV help my chronic condition?
By scanning the whole body EAV is able to identify the root cause for those struggling with long-term conditions who may need some answers or alternative solutions.